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FOED is now fully mobile...and on FB!

Good news...the FAITH Over ED website is now fully mobile! For any of you who have tried to view our site with your mobile devise have been sadly underwhelmed. I know that I was. I turned off the mobile capability because I knew that I need to take a few hours and just DO IT. So, I did. Now you can view a much easier-to-navigate mobile version instead of viewing the full website. For people like me who are not getting any younger, all of the small print was driving me crazy, and you guys as well I would imagine.

The other great news is that we now have a Facebook page! Geez....that took me longer to get done that it should. PLEASE check it our and LIKE and FOLLOW us!! We really want to try and reach as many people who are struggling with ED and BD as possible. Please spread the word!!!

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